Instagram has come a long way ever since it was launched in 2010 as a photo sharing application and later on acquired by Facebook, now Meta, in 2012. Features like sharing Videos, stories and reels among many other minor features have been added along the way. For over a decade, it is virtually impossible to tell when you first joined the social media platform, and this article helps you to find out when you did that.
Once in a while, you may want to find the date you joined Instagram. This information is readily available and provided officially under your Instagram account section besides an option to delete your Instagram account.
When did I join Instagram?
Here is a step-by-step guide to find when you joined Instagram.
These steps work on both Android devices and iPhones.
1. Instagram account
Visit your Instagram account section by tapping on your profile picture located at the bottom right section.

2. Account settings
Tap on the Hamburger menu section at the top right to reveal the settings and privacy, Threads, Your activity, Archive QR code and more account management page.

3. Settings and privacy
Tap on the settings and privacy option to reveal the page with settings and privacy.

4. About
Tap on the About section under the More info and support section. This section is at the bottom.

5. About your account
Tap on the About your account option to reveal the date you joined Instagram. This section also has historical usernames that you may have used in the past on Instagram.

This is the easiest way to know when an Instagram account was created. You have to be logged in to the account for you to access this page.
How to find when an account joined Instagram
Instagram makes it really easy to find when accounts joined the platform. To find out when an account joined Instagram, navigate to their account, tap on the options button at the top right or besides their username, Following button, Message and following suggestions section in you’re on the web. Tap on it then tap the About this account section. If the account you’re trying to find out is a business account, this section will have more options like the historical changes of the username, location of the business and when the account was verified. This extra information for business accounts is meant to give additional information to prospective buyers and to avoid being duped by accounts masquerading as genuine.

Estimating Instagram account creation date
There is situation where you are not accessed to the account About section. For this reason, you will need better estimation techniques. These come in helpful especially for situation that you do not own the account, or you are trying to estimate the age of the account for business purposes. Instagram also shows historical name changes for business accounts.
To better estimate an account’s age, check out their oldest picture on Instagram. This gives you a rough estimate of their age. You can also check the account’s tag section to tell when people first started interacted with the person who runs the account. This however assumes the person started posting when they created the account. This normally not the case and is therefore a highly inaccurate method.